TENCUPS is a cafe & cocktail bar located at the bottom of Tokyu Stay Minamiguchi Hotel.

Drawing inspiration from the harmonious essence depicted in the tarot card 'Ten of Cups' and the serene ambiance of Southeast Asia, TENCUPS invites you on a culinary journey that celebrates the rich tapestry of flavors found in Asia'd tropics. Our cafe menu boasts signature coffee concoctions crafted with fair trade coffee beans sourced from Northern Thailand, delivering a unique and ethically sourced experience.

From the evening, TENCUPS transforms into an experiential cocktail lounge, bathed in a warm, dim glow. Here, our mixologists craft distinctive cocktails that dance on the palate, complemented by the rhythmic beats of live DJs or performers. It's an immersive experience that transports you to the beaches of Bali or the jungles of Vietnam and Thailand.

This hidden gem reflects the contemporary allure of the new world, intertwining with the lush tropical fauna of Asia. Rooted in a profound understanding of spirituality, our concept and brand name come to life, creating an oasis where indulgence meets enlightenment.

Welcome to TENCUPS, where every sip and every moment tells a story of exotic allure and harmonious indulgence.


Based in the heart of Tokyo, a short walk away from Shibuya Station.
Leave your comfort zone and enter ours.

3-26-21 Shibuya City, Shibuya, Tokyo

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Tuesday - Thursday, Sunday: 9AM - 11PM

Friday & Saturday: 9AM - 12AM

Monday: Closed